Flying is not a good idea during winter
Due to bad weather and air traffic in DC, I was on the airplane, on the ground at LaGuardia, for three hours! What is worse, a man who was sitting next to me was super fat and was invading my space a bit. He was so fat, he couldn't put a seatbelt on! (well, I found out that they have a special seatbelt for fat people) After three-hour delay, we finally took off to DC. Of course, I missed the connection flight and was rebooked to another flight. Then my flight from DC didn't take off because we had to wait for a pilot who was flying in from other place. After 1.5 hour or so, the pilot arrived...but by that time, the pilot wasn't legal to fly any more (something to do with overtime regulation). Since they couldn't find another pilot, the flight was canceled.
While I waited in line to talk to the customer service, I called the airline to find out what was going on...the lady I talked to told me that there is one more flight leaving for Columbus but it is overbooked; therefore, my only option is to fly next morning. ugh... then, I finally talked to the customer service at the airport after waiting in line for over an hour. They just gave me a ticket for the last flight to Columbus for that night. wait, how did it happen? Wasn't the flight overbooked??? I wasn't even on standby list for that flight. Anyway, I got a flight to Columbus and made it here late last night. I am so glad that I didn't have to stay in DC overnight. It was such a relief when I finally got to Columbus 8 hours later than my original itinerary. :)
Let's see how my stay in Columbus has been so far. Well, it's been snowing all morning and looks like it will continue snowing all afternoon. Had lunch with Dave, and it was nice. meatloaf and mashed potato! yum!