talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Akemashite omedeto!

It's 2005 already. Time flies, doesn't it?I'm already back in the lab but this doesn't mean I'm doing work. I'm just enjoying fast internet and computer at school. (I have fast internet at home but my computer is super slow...) So, here are my new year's resolutions:
1. eat healthy...well, relatively healthy (I had bagel w/ cream cheese and coffee for breakfast and will probably skip good)
2. exercise
3. reduce stress by not procrastinating
These are pretty much the same from last year. Being a grad student and the above resolutions don't really go together that well but I will try!

Let's see what happened in the last two weeks or so...

1. Fall semester is over. Spring semester starts from Jan 24.
2. I was invited to a holiday reception at one of scholarsip donors' house on Dec 23. But I couldn't go because it was raining very hard and I was soaking wet after walking for 20 seconds. Now I wish I could go because I know they probably served good wine and delicious finger food.
3. housesitting/catsitting for my mentor during Christmas weekend. I wanted to explore Brooklyn while I was staying at their place but it was too cold to be out during that time (30 degrees or lower).
4. my roommates cooked Christmas dinner! We had chicken, corn soup, tempura, and cake. yummy! btw, new trivia--whip cream on cake from Chinese bakery is salty.
5. Dave visited NYC...again! :-p We went to Chelsea Market, Museum of Sex (yes, there's such a thing as sex museum in NYC), Central Park, FAO Schwartz, Rockefeller Center (Christmas tree!)... There were tourists everywhere! Central Park was packed with tourists because we had such a nice weather, around 55-degrees. For NYE, we went to Sharaku in EV for sushi and Indochine Restaurant for NYE celebration and drinks (good gin and tonic!). Overall, I had a great time. :-) Thanks for visiting, Dave.
6. wondering what to do for the rest of the winter break. I know I can always work on manuscript and thesis...but I don't think I can work on them for 40hrs/week for next 3 weeks. any suggestion?


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