talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Friday, January 07, 2005


Seasonal Affective Disorder--do I have a mild case of SAD? I've been in a crappy mood, along with excessive sleep and headache. well, I know my symptoms don't make a case because they are so mild but I think the weather is affecting my mood. Thankfully, it'll be sunny tomorrow. I will stay out (with sunscreen on) as much as I can.

I'm long does it take for one to be in love with someone? Is love something that develops over time...or if you don't feel it within certain amount of time, you'll never be in love with that person? Is it all about "chemistry"? If there's no "chemistry," there will be no "falling in love?" What is love anyway? (ok, I know it sounds corny but what is it anyway?) What does "being in love" mean?
People usually restrain themselves from saying "i love you" to their boy/girlfriend early on in their relationship. That's a wise thing to do because you don't want to be telling every single person you date, "I love you." But how long should you wait before you tell your significant other that you love him/her? And, if you are not in love with your boy/girlfriend, should you keep dating? Or, would you break up with him/her? Or, you would stay in the relationship with a hope that one day "love" will develop between them?
...I'm confused!!!


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