talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Monday, February 13, 2006

feeling crappy on V-day

What am I feeling crappy about? Not about the fact that I don't have a date on big V day. It's about my whole externship application mess. I'm so upset, frustrated, and angry about the whole process. It's so unfair, and I feel like I'm no good at all. phew...I hope I will land some placement,though. I'm getting very very nervous.

Another thing that is making me feel crappy is a sign of cold/flu. I'm feeling very fatigue and dizzy...AND I have an interview tomorrow in Stamford, CT.

Someone help me!!!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

congrats Steelers

So, Steelers won the Super Bowl. Good for them. I watched only first 5 minutes of the game because I had to meet Larry for a ballet performance at the Guggenheim last night. I feel kinda left out for not watching the Super Bowl...but I guess it's not a big deal anyway.

The ballet performance was nice. It was just amazing to see what they can do with their bodies...they had such a great body...strong legs and amazing balance. It was also nice to catch up with Larry :-)

I'm in such a crabby mood today, feeling stressed out for no apparent reason. I need a big chocolate cake!!!!!!!!! (btw, I'm not PMSing)

Sunday, February 05, 2006


On Sat morning, Dave came in town. We had a quick lunch at this place in Union Square area and then went to my office to do some work. It was rainy and cloudy throughout the day, and I wish it was nicer out. :-( After I finished some work, we just chilled out at a cute cafe while reading a travel book on Toronto (we're going to Toronto in two weeks!). Then, poor Dave had to give me a ride to a grocery store while I stocked up on groceries. Overall, we had a productive day. For dinner, I made curry, and it was super yummy!

Today, we went to a cafe in Astoria for brunch--omg, the omlet I had was really good. I guess I can have some good food and fun locally. I also bought a cheesecake from one of the Greek Cafe's in the area, and that was great,too. It was sad to see Dave go this afternoon, but it gave me some time to work on my research stuff before going off to meet Larry for a ballet performance at the Guggenheim. Well, speaking of which...I should go get ready now.

Nice weekend, overall!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

How it feels to get over a cold! feels GREAT!!! I've been sick since Tuesday night and stayed in bed for 2.5 days. I finally got out of bed this afternoon out of necessaty (i.e., running participants). Thanks to "Aleve Sinus medicine", I felt fine by the time I got to school! It was such a miracle! A few hours after taking the medicine, the horrible sinus headache I was having for 3 days disappeared!

While I was sick in bed, I worked from bed and got 4 calls from different externship sites for interview!!! I have two next week and another two in the following week.

By the way, I can't go to sleep tonight!!! I think I slept too much in the last 3 days.