talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

snow again?

It was about 60 degrees yesterday and now it's snowing. What is wrong with NYC weather???

Had History and Systems midterm last night, and I think I did horrible... I was so nervous for some unknown reason and I forgot all the information I memorized as soon the exam started. It was very strange. Descartes? Aristotle? Plato? huh? who the hell are they??? I almost thought I had amnesia. Speaking of amnesia, I have cog psy midterm tomorrow night. ugh. I have to start studying...soon.

I couldn't concentrate well over the weekend to study for the midterms, so I woke up at 4am yesterday morning to study. I thought I would be so tired by the time I got home from school last night but I couldn't sleep till 3am. ugh. I probably had too much coffee during the day. It really sucked.

Anyway, Friday night was fun. I went to a bar with Alex for his friend's birthday celebration. I met a couple of photography-related people there. It was kinda refreshing to be out on Friday night. I usually collapse on bed on Friday nights and I was bit surprised to know that I had energy to go out. On the way back from the bar, Alex and I saw TV crews recording "Law and Order." We didn't get to go close to look but it was kinda cool. This is definitely one of the cool things about living in NYC. :) I need to get out more to experience the city fully!!!

Saturday wasn't fun, though. had to go to a study session (on Saturday!) for cog psy exam. bleh~. then had a very stressful phone conversation at night. it really, really sucked. I really shouldn't have allowed myself to engage in that negativelly-charged conversation...ugh. I was so frustrated, angry, sad, and (all negative emotion words to follow) afterwards. I don't want to deal with this crap any more!!!

Ok, I admit that I freak out and get too cuaght up with small, insignificant stuff (probably the above phone conversation is one of them). I whine a lot (as obvious in this blog) and make everything into a drama. A lot of people had to endure hearing me whine as a result. I hate this about myself and I've been trying to fix it. But at times, it almost seems impossible to control my emotions. I often feel that I have nobody to rely on, and this thought freaks me out even more. It doesn't mean that I want to depend on others completely, and I would hate to do that anyway. Afterall, I need to deal with everything on my own. But I need someone to remind me that I have strength and ability to deal with all the problems I encounter, whether they are small or big. Luckily, I have a few friends who are always there for me whenever I'm going through difficulties. I hope they feel the same way about me, too. :-)

Wow, this entry is very emotional!!! I didn't want to make my blog too personal...but hey, nobody reads this anyway. Gotta get back to studying!!!


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