talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

hotpot party

My roomies and I had a hotpot ("nabe") party tonight. It was so much fun!!! Had really good food! My roomy's friend does color therapy (more like a color pop-psych test), and she did one for me, too. According to her, I'm naturally skilled at communicating and relating with others and enjoy listening to and helping people around me. The challenge I'm facing is the feeling of not being understood and being too sensitive to what others say/do and getting hurt as a result. However, I will figure out what I really want in the future and will engage more in communicating and connecting with others around me. Hmmm...interesting.

Had a very productive morning...did some studying before babysitting and got quite a bit done. then, I even did more studying after babysitting and before the hotpot party. :) I will go to bed soon and do more studying tomorrow.


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