talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Interesting articles

I love reading random articles online.

First one: Young men warned of laptop risk--Heat could damage fertility, researcher says
This article basically talks about how heat from laptop can damage sperms, thus damage fertility. Ok, that's interesting, right? How many people actually put laptop on his lap? Don't we usually put laptop on table/desk/etc when we use it? And, don't burn your balls with laptop!

Second one: Dude, you can't be serious!--Linguist deconstructs the word, sees many meanings
Linguists at Pittsburgh studied the word "dude" Although I don't think their methodology was good based on the description on this MSN article, it's just interesting to know some people seriously study some random stuff. Does this change your attitude toward "dude"? I personally have a negative stereotype against "dude"--it just sounds unintelligent.

Anyway, change to a different topic. I've been having weird dreams lately. I actually want to have my dreams analyzed. Most of the time, I don't remember the exact content of a dream when I wake up. But here's one from two days ago. I had lice on my hair! It was so disgusting!!!!!! (in real life, I don't have lice because I wash my hair every morning!) I don't remember other dreams but most of them are anxiety provoking. I often wake up feeling anxious, sad, irritated, etc. It definitely is not a good way to start a day. Does this mean I'm stressed???

Ok, I should get back to work now. I have to finish up some parts of Ohio Scale stuff by tomorrow.


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