talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

kigen ga warui

Yes, I'm still in a bad mood. don't know why, psy exam tomorrow + don't want to work on the Ohio Scales manuscript + still haven't found anything fun to do during the winter break = kigen ga warui Shihoko

Had donuts and french vanilla coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Feeling bit guilty about crazy amount of sugar and fat intake. But who cares? I'm stressing out!!!

I have no motivation to study for social psy exam. I don't know why. I want to avoid the same disaster from midterm...getting a B+ on social psy. I want to get an A for this class but some part of me doesn't care at all about grades. I really should care about grades because I need to keep my fellowship (which requires 3.7 GPA).

To me, "Sex and the City" is thought provoking. Last week's episodes were about "soul mate" and this week's episodes were about "relationship." Is there such thing as a soul mate? Is there only one soulmate? If so, what would you do that soulmate left you? Does that mean this "soul mate" was not real? Part of me want to believe in this whole idea of "soul mate" but other part of me kinda gave up on this idea. And what is the definition of "relationship" anyway??? When do you know you are in a relationship?

Alright, back to social psy...


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