talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

weekend in NY

I spent this weekend in good ol' NY.

Friday: babysitting during the day. quite chilly out. Went to a party at Dr. O's apartment. I thought it was gonna be boring but it turned out to be lots of fun. had little too much wine, and it gave me a really bad headache! good party overall.

Saturday: completed my externship apps! Yeah! Met up with Mike and went to that pizza place by the Brooklyn Bridge. As usual, pizza was great!!! walked by the water in Brooklyn Heights area--such a beautiful day! Then, went to Veniero's. I so much wanted to have their fabulous pastries but I was too full from pizza! what a shame! Met up with Travis and we went to a sake bar right next to his apartment. I had two fruit infused sake (yummy) and I got slightly buzzed. good Sat.

Sunday: woke up early and finished laundry by 11am--yay for me. then, cleaned up my room a bit but I still have a lot more cleaning to do! couldn't get grocery shopping done today because it was raining out. spent most of the day just chilling at my apartment. relaxing day. :-)

All in all, I had a great weekend with a good mixture of relaxing and productivity.


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