talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

My computer

My dear computer (aka Pochi) has been acting weird lately. It crashed late last night :-( Now I don't know what to do--should I buy a new laptop or fix it. My laptop is super old...I bought it 3 years ago, refirbished, which makes it a lot more older than 3 years old. I know desktop is much more affordable but I want to be able to take my laptop to wherever (e.g., coffee shop). Hmmm...I'm gonna have to consult with my bank account...

Finished the assignment for Assessment class...three minutes before the class. phew. that was very close. I would have liked to put more time and energy into it but I had too much other stuff going on.

Is it true that guys are not good at multi-tasking? Like, when they are busy with school work, they can't do anything else. Someone has told me about this before...but I don't know for sure because I'm not a guy, obviously.

Am I ever going to have a stable, long-lasting relationship? Maybe I shouldn't ask for one, given all the crazy choices I've been making in my life? Should I only be with someone who is willing to follow me wherever I go? Should I just forget about relationships and just focus on myself? Am I asking too much--wanting to have both good career and relationship? How do people negotiate between these two? I'm really confused.


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