talking to myself...

i'm a graduate student in psychology and will be a student for a long, long time. just reminding myself what's going on in my life.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

weekend...too short!

I didn't go to Manhattan at all this weekend. Instead, stayed around in good ol' Queens for the entire weekend. It wasn't too bad staying in Queens. I got some work done (and still much more to do).

I had a bit of emotional chaos tonight. As the weekend approached to the end, I started thinking about all the stuff I have to do this week and how little I've done this weekend. And this very thought overwhelemed me and I started to freak out. Once I start thinking about bad thoughts, nothing can stop. Overanalyze things, think of the worst case scenario, etc. I can calm myself down easily after letting myself freak out for a bit (unless someone tells me that I'm freaking out over trivial stuff). Anyway, in the midst of my freak out episode, Dave called, and I ended up taking it all out on him (poor guy). But by the end of the phone conversation, I was feeling completely fine. :)

Trying to think if anything else happened this weekend...oh, my Ao-chan is finally fixed and came home from the body shop on Saturday. Ao-chan doesn't have a huge dent any more and looks nice and pretty. It'll be so sad when I have to say good-bye... :-( Other than that, I pretty much stayed home or hung out at Starbucks to catch up on readings.

Ok, I should go to sleep now...I have to be in midtown by 8:30am to participate on this memory study.


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